Thursday, September 15, 2011


Hebrews 11
1 It is, therefore, faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Let's talk about faith today, we were created to please God and the best way to please God is to have faith. Faith is not hope,it's not to be positive, it is  not the knowledge that we could  have,  but it's the domain that  we have over  the invisible, that is when we walk by faith not by sight.  When we walk in Faith is the  decrees that we do wikk  change ( affect) the situations around us, faith is not to act by sight or by ear, since most of the messages we receive daily are all negative and discouraging.
To live by faith we need  to disconnect from the natural and connect to the  supernatural of  God this is faith, when we walk by we are clam and we don't  move in the  natural world but supernatural world of God.2 Corinthians 5:7
7 For we walk by faith not by sight
Faith is not for tomorrow or for the future, faith is for the time that  you make the statement of faith, faith is for today, now. Faith is resting in God, when you   pray and then walk in anxiety, concerned, that is not faith.  Faith is trust  in God's word in  prayer,  in the declarations and decrees will become  reality,  that the word will come true  by faith that yo carry . If you are sick and ask for healing and believe that you received the healing,  even if you see symptoms of the disease, the pain is present, if you proclaimed having  faith that you will  heal and you need to believe that your are healthy. Faith is to apply it in all areas of our lives, not just in some areas because you see that the problem is too difficult for God, remember nothing  is impossible if you believe if you faith, and nothing is impossible to God.

"We know that those who love GOD, ALL THINGS work together for good, ALOS THAT THIS IS ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE ARE CALLED" Romans 8:28
And remember that God works according to our faith and obedience, not according to the resources that  we have, it pleases God to send us the help that we need, but first to pleases God we need faith, to activate the supernatural of God in us.

Open your eyes to the supernatural of God with faith.


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